About us
We are a quirky bunch of cycling enthusiasts from Berlin who got together last winter to organise our first cycling event. Some of us are members of Roter Stern Berlin, others avoid club structures like the plague.
What unites us is the joy of cycling, a love that knows no bounds. From endurance road rides and adventurous bikepacking to cyclocross, relaxed sightseeing and group rides, we embrace every facet of cycling, from pushing the limits to taking it easy.
This is us
Radsportfraktion Roter Stern Berlin
- Does not discriminate against any type of terrain - members are just as likely to enjoy a ride on a bumpy gravel road as a long ride on a quiet country lane.
- Embodies a supportive stance in the world of sport and vehemently opposes facism, sexism, and racism
- Advocates a city based on solidarity, ecology and cycling

- Cycling for a good time, not a hard time. Far not fast.
- Forensic Scientist turned a forest person. If you need me, I’ll be in the woods.
- Plans for 2024: Komoot Women’s Rally, Seven Serpents, Steppenwolf, Octopus Gravel. If my knee cooperates Berlin Half and full Marathons.
- At GB600 responsible for social media, community and FLINTA* topics.
- At home in Berlin, originally from Bochum!
- Enthusiastic about all kinds of fun on the bike!
- Plans for 2024: Steppencross, Tuscany Trail, bikepacking in explorer mode in East Germany, mountains!!! and certainly some last minute adventures
- Takes website content, provides Insta inspiration and oversees FLINTA* community topics with Kasia

I can already ride a bike. I'm just learning how to organise an event like this together. And I recognise parallels to long-distance cycling: anticipation, intensive planning, discussions, changes of plan, new perspectives, fatigue, fresh motivation after stage finishes. I won't be able to ride the GB600 myself, but it will be just as great to greet lots of new and familiar faces at the start and celebrate together at the finish!
- Mostly found in front of a screen or on the bike
- Grew up in Berlin
- Responsible for the website and design at GB600
- One day I'll ride my bike to the North Cape!

- As a village kid, I've actually always ridden a bike, I first sat on a racing bike in 2012.
- I've lived in Berlin for 12 years and grew up in Upper Lusatia.
- I'm mainly here for scouting and route planning
- All Bikes Are Beautiful!